MDi JLib

Package com.microdeveloper.common

A collection of utility classes for text, date, numeric, and graphic manipulation.


Class Summary
Num Provides methods for number manipulation.
Str Provides extensive String manipulation, extensions, utilities, and new capabilities.
StringMap Provides additional String casting capabilities to a Hashmap structure.

Package com.microdeveloper.common Description

A collection of utility classes for text, date, numeric, and graphic manipulation.

This package consists of a myriad of utilities used for various purposes and collected for convenience here. There are divided into three general categories, general, date, and graphic specific. In all cases, they seek to either extend the functionality or consolidate the functionality of existing Java classes. For example, a date method may require no more than a static 'now()' call to fetch a current date for the current locale or the Str class method 'rpad' that pads a String to the right 'n' places.

There are a variety of date classes and other common GUI classes for creating lightweight GUI buttons to quickly producing dialog boxes.

Refer to the individual classes for usage instructions.

Copyright©2001-2007, MicroDeveloper, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

Package documentation version 1.0.0

MDi JLib

Copyright©2001-2007 MicroDeveloper, Inc. All Rights Reserved.