MDi JLib

Uses of Class

Packages that use Str
com.microdeveloper.common A collection of utility classes for text, date, numeric, and graphic manipulation. 

Uses of Str in com.microdeveloper.common

Methods in com.microdeveloper.common that return Str
 Str Str.after(int index)
          Get all of the substring that occurs after a particular character.
 Str Str.before(int index)
          Get all of the substring that occurs before a particular character.
 Str Str.extractWord()
          Extract and return the first word.
 Str Str.from(int index)
          Get all of the substring that occurs from a particular character to the end of the string.
 Str Str.get(int index, int length)
          Retrieve a copy of a substring.
static Str Str.spaces(int quan)
          Create a Str object containing nothing but a quantity of spaces.
static Str Str.stringOf(int quan, char c)
          Create a Str object containing nothing but a quantity of one character.
 Str Str.substring(int index, int length)
          Provided for compatibility with String and StringBuffer and the case mixing Sun provides.
 Str Str.subString(int index, int length)
          Provided for compatibility with String and StringBuffer and the case mixing many people expect.
 Str Str.through(int index)
          Get all of the substring that occurs through a particular character.
static Str Str.verboseMoney(double x)
          Convert a double to English ( 12.01 -> "twelve and 01/100" ).

Methods in com.microdeveloper.common with parameters of type Str
 void Str.append(Str s)
          Append a string on to the end of your string.
 int Str.compareTo(Str s)
          A string comparison method that returns a numeric result.
 boolean Str.eq(Str s)
          Test for equality between your string and the string in s.
 boolean s)
          Test for "greater than or equal to" between your string and the string in s.
 boolean s)
          Test for "greater than" between your string and the string in s.
 void Str.insert(Str s, int index)
          Insert a Str object immediately before a particular character.
 boolean Str.le(Str s)
          Test for "less than or equal to" between your string and the string in s.
 boolean s)
          Test for "less than" between your string and the string in s.
 boolean s)
          Test for "not equal" between your string and the string in s.
 void Str.set(Str s)
          Force the contents of this object to be the same as another Str object.

Constructors in com.microdeveloper.common with parameters of type Str
Str(Str s)
          A new object is created that is an exact copy of the provided Str object.

MDi JLib

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